
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Progress Review: Retroscape of a Future Mind

I read somewhere that an author’s primary online presence (i.e., my blog) should be blatantly obnoxious self-promotion.  I’m tempted…but then, even I do not want to read, ‘wrote 1,327 words today, but deleted another 2,653 in order to give YOU, the reader, the thrill of your reading life…’ 

But I do occasionally succumb to the urge to provide a progress review, like today.

Currently, Retroscape of a Future Mind is a complete draft of some 84,209 words, and awaiting the first of usually at least two clarifying and extending edits before it goes to Beta readers.  As such, it’s nearly 14,000 words longer than either of the first two books at this point, but I tend to believe that this one will not swell as much under these edits as the previous novels.  The other two grew by about 12,000 words at this stage.  We’ll see.

The countdown clock on the tab for this book is still showing completion around January 2017…which may be about right, or a bit too early.  One of the determining factors on timing is whether or not I participate in the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo, which is November.  I have to think I probably will, not because I believe I can write anything decent in a month, but just to have the experience of it.  I mean, don’t you wonder about things like this?  I do.  

Then, assuming whatever I turn out in a month is not total garbage, a big assumption, I’d have a fourth book at the first draft stage, i.e., about where I am on book #3 right now.  But that probably pushes Retroscape until March or April…which is still OK.  That would be a book release in a year, rather than 9 months.

We shall see.  But in the meantime, I’m enjoying the ride, and maybe – just maybe – I’ll pen something you can enjoy as well.

Happy writing…and reading,

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