Monday, February 17, 2025

Wanna Get Lost in a Good Book?

Then, here's more than two dozen possibilities ranging from children's books to erotic suspense to science fiction and fantasy. Just don't get lost sorting through the choices because this promotion ends February 28.

Check it out HERE

Monday, February 10, 2025

There’s nothing like someone trying to kill you to give your life direction!

Yes, I had been in a funk, drifting from job to job, but that all changed when Jones came at me with a gun. And when he, the research lab where I had worked, and the chief scientist all disappeared, I was left with nothing but a piece of mind-blowing technology and a story so bizarre that the police were more concerned about my mental health than the attempted murder. I needed help to understand what I’d gotten myself into. Enter young, beautiful Dr. Diane Stapleton. And when I accidentally involved her in this deadly nightmare, I knew only one thing for sure. I couldn’t let her die.

And during a Kindle Countdown Deal from February 10 through 16, you can pick up your copy for just 99 cents HERE

Friday, January 31, 2025

Man Does Not Live by Romance Alone

Yes, it's February, but maybe you're looking for something besides romance to pass the cold days and long nights of the month? If so, check out this collection of "Fun and Frightening" reads.

You'll find some great bargains among them, including my chase thriller, In the Space of an Atom. And better yet, you can read all of them for FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Check 'em out HERE

Friday, January 17, 2025

Fantasy and SciFi Giveaway

You're one click away from seeing a collection of Fantasy/SciFi ebooks, and you could win all of them, individual ebooks, or one of the bonus paperbacks!

Just click HERE for your chance to win! But don't delay. This promotion ends January 20.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Miss Your Chance to Get Fifteen-Minute Mysteries for FREE?

If so, here's a second chance, but this collection of short stories will only be free on January 14, 15, and 16. 

Just click HERE to pick up your free copy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

An All Mystery Subgenre Book Fair

Whether it's a police procedural, a Sci-Fi mystery, a collection of mystery short stories, or a cozy, you'll find it in this collection. And just so you aren't surprised, some of these short reads are seventy pages or so, but several appear to be full length novels.

Check out the collection HERE